LiveSync is a bridge which connects CLO and Unreal Editor (CLO LiveSync), or Marvelous Designer and Unreal Editor (MD LiveSync), and aims to shorten workflows requiring rendering in Unreal Engine. This is particularly useful if your workflow involves CLO or Marvelous Designer and Unreal Engine, however, it is worth noting that intermediate process of using other software products may be eventually eliminated as LiveSync continues to get updated.
Traditional workflows involve repetitive yet tedious and destructive process of exporting garments as desired file formats and importing the results in Unreal Engine, since users need to manually manage properties expressing realistic garments in CLO or Marvelous Designer. This is caused by limitations of using specific file formats, and you can only imagine fatigue accumulated from doing file exports, imports, and potentially redoing everything if design for garments needs to be adjusted in CLO or Marvelous Designer.
By establishing a direct bridge, CLO and Marvelous Designer can communicate with Unreal Editor, eliminating needs for file exports and imports. LiveSync features and workflows can be found in Using LiveSync via CLO/MD LiveSync Editor and MetaHuman workflow with LiveSync.
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