Create items using paid items (garments/trims/fabrics)
● You may sell created items by using paid items(garments/ trims/ fabrics).
● Garments can be purchased, modified, and sold as a second creation on CONNECT.
● However, trims and fabrics cannot be modified and re-sell. Trims can be only included in garments.
Settlement when using paid items
● When created garments consist of paid items as a Design Source, the price of paid items will be added to your set price.
● When garments consisting of paid items are sold, the revenue of the Design Source will be distributed to the original creator.
Revenue when your items are sold as Design Source
● When your items are sold and used as Design Source for other items, your items will be settled as your revenue.
● Seller D created garments by purchasing Seller A's garment($10), Seller B's trim($2), Seller C's fabric($5).
● When Seller D sets the price of the garment, the total price will be automatically set as the sum of items A, B, and C, which is $17.
● When Seller D sets the margin as $20, the total price will be $37.
● When items are sold at $37, Seller D's revenue will be $20, Seller A's will be $10, Seller B's $2, Seller C's $5.